Animation by Nawsome
Some things I've worked on 😎
Bidji Course
Belajar Sed'jak Dini is a free educational website providing diverse learning materials and instructional videos for Indonesian students, spanning from elementary to high school levels.
Swiftwalk is a simple e-commerce shoe-selling website with CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality.
Aero Reserve
Aero Reserve is a restful API service that offers flight ticket data from various airlines.
Yasuda Jaya Tour Admin Dashboard
Yasuda Jaya Tour is a tourism company that has been operating since 2008 and is based in Tegal, Central Java. This company offers various travel packages and interesting destinations that meet the needs of their diverse customers.
Some technologies and tools that I have used 😊
Do you want to work with me, or just want to say hi? Send me a message via this form 😉